Counting down to the beginning of your life…

Sarah Lorente - Counting down to the beginning of your life...

I’ve always counted; I count to myself when I workout, I count the tempo of a song, I counted bites of food when I was small, counting days, counting my breaths, counting my weight, counting my dreams.

All this counting made me absolutely amazing at counting out my rests or measures of rest in music! I was more comfortable with counting the rests than playing the music!  I found I was always very confident that I would come in at the right time but I didn’t actually trust that when I began playing, I’d be confident in my own abilities.

Self-doubt, fear of man...ugh I never “counted” on dealing with so much of that in my life. There are very few things that I am absolutely sure of and one of them is that these two dream killers will take you out every time!

Over the last 9 months I have counted down, daily, the moments to the release date of my single! Every hope and dream relived, every promise pursued, I prayed my fears would leave! But at the end of the day I had a very hard line to draw in the preverbal sand of my life! There was no way around self-doubt and fear of rejection and what others thought of me. It was either walk straight through it or let it steal my dreams from me, perhaps even part of my destiny!

One of my favorite quotes puts it this way, ‘even if the fear doesn’t leave, you’ll have to do it afraid!’ Don’t wait.  Don’t wait for the perfect moment, for the stars to align and for you to ‘feel’ like pursuing the dreams in your heart! We have all been given deep purpose and density.  Don’t let fear and doubt steal one more moment in your life!

I will never have to count the days that I sit afraid to pursue music again.  It’s not that the fear left, I just no longer want it to be my master!


safety doesn’t always mean anchored