A little about me, Sarah.

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Music has always been the one thing that brings me to life.  It’s the avenue I have chosen to move emotions that are inside of me, out. Music speaks a language that the whole earth understands; a chord or a note we all share that helps set the spirit free.

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I’ve been singing since I was 9;

singing in choirs, playing in bands, recording and working in studios, leading in churches and playing in clubs.  Taking the stage has never been my driving force but now, more than ever, I have a melody to share with the world.  It sounds like hope. It sounds like the broken pieces of my life woven back together in the most redemptive of tunes.

I don’t fit into one particular genre.  I’m like a gemstone with so many different cuts that light is bound to reflect off of me from every angle.  From singer/songwriter on the piano to loud guitars, I tend to write from the heart. I am the one who says, it’s never too late, you’re never too young or old, too ugly or pretty, born with it, or just paying for it. We all have a voice to lend to one another’s worlds.  I’m thrilled to share with you mine.


Sarah Lorente